Reviews About Drug Search Team
John W.
Assistant Patrol Leader
Boy Scout Troop 393, Willow Street, PA
"Fred Nell, owner and dog handler of Drug Search Team, offers a discreet and compassionate alternative to conventional drug searches in homes, businesses and public facilities. His educational program is entertaining and informative. His dog, Sadie, impressed us with her talent for detecting narcotics in hidden places, while on her downtime, entertained us with her playful energy. Fred's mission statement, "Help without the Handcuffs", provides a safe alternative by keeping homes and workplaces drug-free."
Beth M.
Health Teacher, York Suburban High School
“I recently had the opportunity to bring Fred Nell and his narcotics dog, Sadie, into my high school health classes. Fred’s demonstration of how Sadie does her job was both informative and engaging for my students. They were able to see how easy it was for Sadie to locate the drug scents and as a result, the students got the message loud and clear that if they are around drugs, they won’t get away with it. Fred did an excellent job of getting the students to think about the choices they make and the consequences associated with them. I would highly recommend Fred’s educational presentation to anyone who works with teens.”